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September 2020 Issue:
Estimates of population density of mammals are critical data for effective management. Estimating density is complicated if the species of interest has cryptic markings and occupies dense habitat. Sitatunga is such a species, specially adapted to the dense swamps and marshes of sub-Saharan Africa, where traditional population survey techniques have been ineffective. In this study, we used camera traps to estimate density of sitatunga in central Uganda using both spatial capture-recapture methods and time in front of the camera (TIFC). We collected data in three years, 2015–2017. The TIFC model resulted in density estimates similar to the spatial capture-recapture models, without needing information on movement or individual identification. However, spatial capture-recapture models provide an estimate of movement and home range, which is of interest to management. For sitatunga, spatial capture-recapture models revealed higher movement parameters and higher heterogeneity in movement than previously reported. These results illustrate the utility of camera traps for a cryptic species in dense habitats, and provide a potential alternative to spatial capture-recapture methods.
January 2019 Mitacs Blog - Postcard from Uganda: Researching an elusive wetland antelope species
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December 2018 -GNUSLETTER - Volume 35 Number 2.
Ecology of Sitatunga along the Mayanja River, Uganda
Camille H. Warbington, PhD Candidate, University of Alberta. University of Alberta 
September 2017 Northern Alberta Chapter of the Safari Club International. - Investigating the Uganda Sitatunga’s Habitat
September 2017 "Defining Landscapes and Scales to Model Landscape–Organism Interactions" was published in Current Landscape Ecology Reports with authors Mark S. Boyce, Conor D. Mallory, Andrea T. Morehouse, Christina M. Prokopenko, Matthew A. Scrafford, Camille H. Warbington. 
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The May 2017 Issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management features Camille's article - Cause-specific neonatal mortality of white-tailed deer in Wisconsin, USA. 

Other Publications

Film/Entertainment Industry Animal Permit. 76 Louisiana Administrative Code Part V, Chapter 1 § 133 (2014).


Aerial Feral Hog Control Permits.  76 Louisiana Administrative Code Part V, Chapter 1 § 135 (2014).


Amendment to Possession of Potentially Dangerous Wild Quadrupeds, Big Exotic Cats, and Non-Human Primates.  76 Louisiana Administrative Code Part V, Chapter 1 § 115 (2014).


Updates and Expansion to the Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator Qualifying Exam, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, 2014.


In Preparation

Warbington, C. H., and Boyce, M. S. (2020) Estimating animal density using camera traps: Spatial capture-recapture and time in front of the camera. (in review)


Warbington, C. H., and Boyce, M. S. (2020) Smoke on the Water: Sitatunga space use in central Uganda under varying hydrologic conditions. (in review)


Warbington, C. H., and Boyce, M. S. (2020) Resource partitioning for a native ungulate assemblage and domestic cattle in a riverine East African forest. (in prep)


Warbington, C. H., and Boyce, M. S. (2020) Habitat connectivity and conservation genetics of sitatunga in central Uganda. (in prep)


Warbington, C. H., and Boyce, M. S. (2020) African Wildlife Consultative Forum: engaging governments to address conservation. (in prep)


Chui, J., Warbington, C.H., and Boyce, M.S. (2020) Temporal niche segregation in sympatric herbivores in a Central Ugandan forest. (in prep)


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